New Directors Gemmer and Scheer join Indianola, Ocean Park respectively

New Directors Gemmer and Scheer join Indianola, Ocean Park respectively By PNW’s Camping & Retreat Ministries This year, Camping and Retreat Ministries has been blessed to...

Construction continues on new dining hall at Lazy F Camp, support welcomed

Lazy F director Dave Burfeind offers an update on construction and fundraising efforts for a new dining hall at the camp. For those waiting to give, this might be the perfect time to help to complete this exciting project!

Another opportunity to have your gift matched for Lazy F Camp!

Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center director Dave Burfeind shares news of a new gift-matching opportunity in support of ongoing construction. An anonymous couple pledged to match all gifts received before April 15, 2019 up to $150K

How some PNW Churches are making a Place at the Table

Campers do crafts around a table at Lazy F's Explorers Camp during the Summer of 2016. Photo: Lazy F Camp. By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F...

Progress on Lazy F Dining Hall Continues

By Dave Burfeind  One thing I have learned in the fundraising and construction of the new dining hall at Lazy F is that things happen...

Supporters fill Lazy F Camp’s new dining hall to dedicate space for ministry

Photos & Story by Patrick Scriven On Sunday, May 19th, numerous supporters were on hand to dedicate a new dining hall at Lazy F Camp...

Mark your calendars for Lazy Daze 2017!

Rosalee Mohney extends a warm invitation to older adults for the annual Lazy Daze Retreat held at Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center. Mark your calendars; this year's retreat will take place September 12-14.

PNW Camping and Twinlow Boards Announce New Camp Director

By Alan Rogstad The Camping Board of Stewards and The Twinlow Board of Directors are excited to announce the installation of Kristen “Moonie” Moon as...

Lazy F raises $70k toward new dining hall at banquet

By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center The final Kick off Banquet for the Place at the Table campaign to construct a new...

Lazy F breaks ground for new dining hall as vision emerges

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People's Ministries Ellensburg, Wash. – Last Sunday, approximately 75 friends and supporters of Lazy F Camp...