Lazy Daze: Arts and Our Spirituality (VIDEO)

By Jesse N. Love with Rosalee Mohney This year’s Lazy Daze was held on September 13-15, 2016 at Lazy F Camp & Retreat Center. Participants...

Ocean Park: Celebrating the Precious “Gems” of Camping Ministry

  By Brandon Scheer | Photos by Ocean Park, Pam Murphy, et. al. This year has brought many reasons to celebrate for campers, supporters, friends, and...

How some PNW Churches are making a Place at the Table

Campers do crafts around a table at Lazy F's Explorers Camp during the Summer of 2016. Photo: Lazy F Camp. By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F...

Registration for the new Older Adults Retreat is now available!

Rosalee Mohney shares early details on a new Older Adults Retreat being offered at Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center September 18-20. The over-arching them for the Retreat is "What’s Next?" and registration is already available for those who like to plan ahead!

Camp Indianola seeks staff and volunteers to meet su​rge in camp registrations!

Camp Indianola is excited to have more campers registered for summer than they have had in a decade! In often to serve those campers well, they are hiring more staff and looking for volunteer cabin leaders. Are you in?

Lazy F raises $70k toward new dining hall at banquet

By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center The final Kick off Banquet for the Place at the Table campaign to construct a new...

Crossing the Finish Line at Lazy F Camp

Dave Burfeind and Alan Rogstad provide an update on the ongoing construction of a new dining hall at Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center....

Lazy F raises $332k in three months for new dining hall

By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center The Place at the Table campaign to construct a new dining hall at Lazy F Camp...

Celebration Saturday at Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center

As Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center moves closer to the completion of work on its new dining hall, a celebratory day (Nov. 17th) will provide an opportunity for supporters to check out the spectacular new building and spacious outdoor courtyard. Please RSVP your attendance plans to the camp by November 7th.

PNW Camping and Twinlow Boards Announce New Camp Director

By Alan Rogstad The Camping Board of Stewards and The Twinlow Board of Directors are excited to announce the installation of Kristen “Moonie” Moon as...