180 Gala Attendees Push Lazy F Campaign Near $1 Million Mark
By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center
Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center continues in its quest to provide a place at the...
Lazy Daze: Arts and Our Spirituality (VIDEO)
By Jesse N. Love with Rosalee Mohney
This year’s Lazy Daze was held on September 13-15, 2016 at Lazy F Camp & Retreat Center. Participants...
A Place at the Table ‘Update’: Plans for Breaking Ground
By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center
Fundraising plans for the Place at the Table campaign have been going very well. We have...
A Place at the Table: Connecting with Conference Churches
By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center
The next phase in the A Place at the Table campaign to construct a new dining...
Searls Matching Gift inspires many to give to provide a Place at the Table
By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center
During the A Place at the Table campaign to construct a new dining hall at Lazy F...
Providing a Place at the Table for All at Lazy F Camp and Retreat...
By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center
God has truly blessed the ministry of Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center through the decades...
Why Camp? Camp is a vehicle for developing leaders!
Why Camp? Camp is a vehicle for developing leaders!
By Peter Fraser
PNW Camps are Petri dishes of leadership. Instead of growing microorganisms, they contain...
What’s In a Name?
By Darin Gemmer | Camp Indianola, Director
The History
When Camp Indianola was founded in 1957 by Seattle First United Methodist Church, it was simply called...
Lazy F Receives Grant for Operation Purple® Camp
Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center was recently awarded a grant for $37,655 from the National Military Family Association to provide a camp experience...
SUMYT Service Weekend
SUMYT Service Weekend
By Allayna Farmer
The Seattle United Methodist Youth Team worked together to tidy up Camp Indianola in preparation for its recent retreat!
There is...