Rev. Amanda Nicol to Olympia First UMC as Associate Pastor

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Amanda Nicol as Associate Pastor of First United Methodist Church in Olympia, Washington beginning July...

Rev. Lesli McGowan to Simpson UMC and WSU Wesley Foundation

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Lesli McGowan as Pastor of Simpson United Methodist Churchand to the Wesley Foundation serving Washington...

Danielle Elliott to Valley & Mountain as New Church Developer

SeaTac Missional District Superintendent Rich Lang intends to assign Danielle Elliott as a Lay Person Assigned New Church Developer working through Valley and Mountain...

Rev. Sia Puloka to Seaview United Methodist Church

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Siesia"Sia" Puloka as Pastor of Seaview United Methodist Church in Seattle, Washington beginning July 1,...

Rev. Thomas Irby to Mason United Methodist Church

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Thomas Irby as Pastor of Mason United Methodist Church in Tacoma, Washington, beginning July 1,...

Alexa Eisenbarth to Orting United Methodist Church

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint Alexa Eisenbarth as Pastor of Orting United Methodist Church in Orting, Washington, beginning July 1, 2019. Eisenbarth is graduating with an...

Rev. Nico Romeijn-Stout to Girdwood Chapel United Methodist Church

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Nico Romeijn-Stout as Pastor of Girdwood Chapel United Methodist Church in Girdwood, Alaska, in the Alaska Conference,...

Mark Wagner to Ellensburg United Methodist Church

Seven Rivers Missional District Superintendent Mary Huycke announces her intention to assign the Mark Wagner as Pastor of Ellensburg United Methodist Church in Ellensburg, Washington, beginning July...

Rev. Joanne Coleman Campbell to serve as Seven Rivers Missional District Superintendent

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Joanne Coleman Campbell to serve on the Pacific Northwest (PNW) cabinet as Seven Rivers Missional...

Rev. Shane Moore to Wesley United Methodist Church

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Shane Moore as Pastor of Wesley United Methodist Church in Yakima, Washington, beginning July 1, 2019. Rev. Moore is currently...