Carrie Bland as Associate Pastor at Bryn Mawr United Methodist Church

Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intention to appoint Carrie Bland as the associate pastor at Bryn Mawr United Methodist Church, Seattle, WA, effective July 1,...

Rev. Sia Puloka to Seaview United Methodist Church

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Siesia"Sia" Puloka as Pastor of Seaview United Methodist Church in Seattle, Washington beginning July 1,...

Rev. Rich Lang to Lake Washington United Methodist Church

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Rich Lang as Pastor of Lake Washington United Methodist Church in Kirkland, Washington, beginning July...

Rev. Neal Sharpe as Asset Assessment & Strategic Deployment Specialist for the PNW Trustees

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint Rev. Neal Sharpe as the Asset Assessment & Strategic Deployment Specialist for the Pacific Northwest Conference Trustees, effective July...

Rev. Kathy Neary as Pastor of Goldendale UMC

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Kathy Neary as Pastor of Goldendale United Methodist Church in Goldendale, Washington beginning July 1,...

Rev. Nico Romeijn-Stout as Pastor of Sand Point Community UMC

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Nico Romeijn-Stout as Pastor of Sand Point Community United Methodist Church in Seattle, Washington beginning...

Paul Bland to be assigned to pastoral team at Renton First UMC

Seattle District Superintendent Rich Lang announces his intention to assign Paul Bland as a part of the pastoral team at First United Methodist Church, Renton, WA, effective July...

Colin Cushman to Seabold United Methodist Church

Superintendent Rich Lang announces his intention to assign Colin Cushman to Seabold United Methodist Church, effective July 1, 2016. Colin received his Masters of Divinity degree from Boston University School...

Sofia Estevéz to Burien: Highline UMC as Evangelist

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky has appointed Local Pastor Sofia Estevéz to Highline United Methodist Church, serving as an evangelist with a special outreach ministry...

Rev. Joanne Brown as Lead Pastor of Des Moines United Methodist Church

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Joanne Brown as Lead Pastor of Des Moines United Methodist Church in Des Moines, Washington,...