Legislative Summary from The PNWAC Sessions 2015

The Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Sessions 2015 Legislative Summary Prepared by the Rev. Shirley DeLarme Much of our action was to make our preferences known to General...

Journeys: You Are Not Alone

Journeys: You Are Not Alone By Joan Holms Have you ever... taken on a task that seemed so monumental that you had no idea how you...

Lay Leaders meet in advance of General Conference

By David Reinholz May 7-9, 2016 | Portland, Ore. On the eve of the 2016 General Conference of the United Methodist Church, annual conference lay leaders from...

Journeys: “…together we can do what we cannot do alone.”

Amory Peck and Joan Holms are pictured at the 2012 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference. Journeys | By Joan Holms I find that I have many more...

The Church Needs More Innovative Pastors like MTV Needs More Twerking*

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries The next time I hear a pastor argue that what the church really needs is...

Get to know Dave Reinholz!

Get to know Dave Reinholz! David A. Reinholz serves as the new associate Conference lay leader for the PNWUMC. We are relatively new to the Pacific...

How Can Worship Build Relationships?

How Can Worship Build Relationships? By David Reinholz The Seven Rivers District just completed the third of four regional workshops where the main topic of conversation...

Laity Session Notes #pnwac14

Laity Session Notes By Amy Pazan Bishop Hagiya called the 141st Annual Conference to order. Joan Holms thanked Pat Dodson for her years of service as associate...

Adapting to Lead: “What prevents you from being closer to God?”

Adapting to Lead By Joan Holms | Photo By Jesse N. Love, et. al. Editor’s Note: PNW Conference Lay Leader, Joan Holms has stepped in to...

What are we called to do? What’s next?

By Amory Peck | Photo by the Rev. David V. Valera I spent several days thinking and praying about the latest edition of Channels. During...