Auburn First UMC Reconciling Team to offer Transgender Educational Event


By Paula Hills, Auburn First UMC Reconciling Committee Chair

The Reconciling Ministries team at Auburn First United Methodist Church is presenting a transgender educational event called “Transgender – Myths, Lies, and the Truth” on Thursday, January 31st from 6 PM – 7:30 PM at the Auburn Public Library (1102 Auburn Way South, Auburn, WA, 98002).

Given the alarmingly high rate of attempted suicide among transgender youth our team wanted to do something to help meet the needs of parents and their children/teens who know or believe themselves to be transgender. The presentation will provide essential information to promote a better appreciation of this often-misunderstood aspect of human sexuality.

A member of the Auburn First’s Reconciling Ministries team and retired Transgender Medicine Specialist, Dr. Jennifer A. Burnett* MD, FAAFP, will give the presentation. The talk will provide a basic understanding of foundational concepts such as sex vs. gender, the human sexuality spectrum, and common terms used to describe the medical condition called Gender Dysphoria. It also includes video vignette about transgender individuals of  different ages and their loved ones and families  dealing with their discordant gender identity. These vignettes portray the importance of providing understanding and support for individuals on this journey.

As the title suggests, this workshop will debunk common myths, misunderstandings, and  misrepresentations that have appeared in the news and on the internet  regarding Gender Dysphoria and  its diagnosis and treatment. Lastly, there will be plenty of time for questions and open discussion.

All who are interested in learning more about this important topic are encouraged to attend. We hope to provide other educational events like this throughout the year. If you have questions about this particular event, please call (253) 833-3470 or check us out on Facebook (

* Jennifer A. Burnett, MS, MD, FAAFP: “Dr. Jen” is a retired Transgender Medicine Specialist, Associate Professor of Family & Community Medicine, Univ. of California – San Francisco, and she is on the Medical Advisory Board of the UCSF Center of Excellence for Transgender Health. Dr. Burnett has lectured on various aspects of the transgender experience, its diagnosis and treatment at conferences across the U.S. and at three international symposia.


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