COST: $8 + an OFFERING to an ADVANCE Project
Reflect, learn and engage in mission locally and around the world!
Bishop Hope Morgan Ward will provide the keynote address for all Four Corners Mission Celebrations.
- Find out what is happening locally and globally in mission.
- Global Ministries has 340 missionaries in 60 countries.
- Health, disaster response, church planting, food security, clean water,
evangelization and missionaries all are under the umbrella of Global Ministries.
More Mission Info
Celebrate 75 Years of UMCOR!
A day of celebration will take place for UMCOR’s 75th anniversary! The Rev. Denise Honeycutt, deputy general secretary for The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), Bishop John Schol, and the President of UMCOR Bishop Hee-Soo, will be in Atlantic City, New Jersey where UMCOR was created.*
One Great Hour of Sharing – March 15, 2015
Your gift on March 15 (or any time in 2015) celebrates 75 years of UMCOR being with those in crisis. Gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing lay the foundation for UMCOR to share God’s love with communities everywhere. The special offering helps UMCOR to keep the promise that 100 percent of any gift to a specific UMCOR project will go toward that project, not administrative costs.
Make a New Year’s Resolution to become a 5 Column Church!
- Collect for One Great Hour of Sharing on March 15, 2015 (or anytime thereafter)
- Give to UMCOR
- Contribute to an Advance project listed in “Giving Opportunities through the Advance 2013-2016” or at
- Send someone to Mission u
- Have a Covenant Relationship with a missionary
Last December, Giving Tuesday raised $2.5 million online through the Advance to support mission and ministries around the world. Matching funds of $1 million were allocated by GBGM to Advance projects.
Joan Hackett is the Conference Secretary of Global Ministries for the PNWUMC.