Child & Youth Sponsorships

Monies donated through Child & Youth Sponsorships are used literally in all facets of the children’s lives: their houseparents, who give them guidance, love, and encouragement each day, the building that shelters them, provides medical care, and provides running water and electricity.

Our Child & Youth Sponsorship program at Jamaa Letu I and II, the girls’ and boys’ orphanages, involves the entire orphanage. There is more than one sponsor for each child at any given time. Our emphasis continues to center on their support, school fees, and maintenance of the facilities. Funds go into a large pot of support money to benefit all the children.

The unstable Congolese economy requires our constant monitoring to ensure adequate fiscal resources are provided for the support of both facilities.

You are invited to make an annual commitment of $500 or more towards a sponsorship though any size gift is welcome. The total annual support of a child per year is about $2000.  

Click here for a brochure with additional information on becoming a sponsor.

Click here for a half sheet information handout.

Click here for a business card with contact information.

Hope for the Children of Africa Task Force and Ministry of the Pacific NW Conference of the United Methodist Church